What We Do


We help companies reduce and control the cost of their energy and commodities, while managing their risk at all times.

Our core business is to deliver unbiased advice, strategies and recommendations that will reduce and control costs, mitigate risk, and maintain budget stability.

We work with clients in all business sectors including retail, transportation, hospitality, property management, public and private institutions, heavy and light manufacturing, health-care, pharmaceutical and educational services.

We provide custom-tailored pricing solutions for:

  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • Petroleum Fuels
  • Lubricants
  • Compressed Gases (bottled, bulk, pipeline, on-site plant and medical)
  • Chemicals
  • Waste Disposal Services

We go above and beyond what in-house experts are able to do; we compliment their work by ensuring that the best possible pricing and terms are in place at all times. Our presence supplements and complements in-house procurement efforts, it never supplants them.

We provide market intelligence in the key areas of supply, terms and conditions, pricing, regulatory issues, future price forecast and hedging advice.

We significantly lessen the many risks that exist when buying volatile priced commodities.

We work for you, our client and no one else. Our sole objective is to ensure your bottom-line is enhanced, that’s what our name stands for, Enhanced Profitability.

We provide ongoing monitoring of your pricing and contract terms,  always ensuring you are aware of opportunities as they become available so that your costs are always kept at the best possible levels.

We report to you on a continuous basis on the results and savings we achieve for you.

Our work is completely confidential.


  • Brokers, or a buying group;
  • Engineers, or;
  • Purchasing agents, or registered agents of the utilities.