Alberta Continuing Care Association

En-Pro is proud to sponsor the Alberta Continuing Care Association. We help members make the right decisions in order for them to reduce and control their energy costs at their various locations.

“En-Pro provides unbiased, professional advice to our members that can result in substantial energy cost savings.  I would not hesitate to recommend them to any business wanting to get better control of their energy and commodity costs.” ~Bruce West Executive Director, Alberta Continuing Care Association

“En-Pro gets involved and makes a difference by focusing on a tailor made plan for each of the members who often save upwards of 35% on electricity and natural gas costs. It’s an area where we see a lot of confusion and many organizations are getting the wrong information from energy suppliers; and in the past this meant many members we now work with were spending a lot more than they needed to.” ~Dan Brownsberger, Solutions Director for En-Pro in Western Canada.

The program focuses solely on benefits for its members with the ACCA.

Dan can be reached at 403-815-2904 or emailed at